About Tus-Design

Tus-Design Group was founded in 1953. It is a diversified full industry chain integrated service that covers the entire process of investment and financing, consulting, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the living environment. With the support of five major sectors: "full process consulting+engineering construction management+dual carbon new energy+urban renewal+digital technology", Tus-Design Group?is strategically positioned as a national first-class urban-rural construction technology group, closely following national strategic opportunities, actively responding to the dual carbon goals, leveraging the power of scientific and technological innovation, and carrying out the application and practice of green energy and energy-saving and carbon reduction technology, digital and AI (artificial intelligence) technology in the construction field. Focusing on the upgrading and iteration of green buildings, it provides society with digital and intelligent solutions for the entire construction process and "carbon neutrality". We strive to become a leading technology integration service provider in the fields of green, low-carbon, digitalization, and intelligence through comprehensive solutions. The company has multiple Grade A qualifications and construction qualifications, including Grade A in the construction industry. It is a national high-tech enterprise, one of the top ten private engineering design enterprises in China, one of the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration industrial bases in the country, and a national pilot enterprise for full process engineering consulting. The company has won over 500 national and provincial honors and awards, including the Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize, National Quality Engineering Award, Science and Technology Progress Award, and Guangsha Award, for numerous domestic and international projects, as well as multiple national invention patents and technological innovation achievements. The company has accumulated rich professional knowledge and operational experience in 70 years of development, and has built a national service network in multiple regions such as East China, North China, South China, Southwest, and Central China, meeting the requirements of the company's business development. It provides customers with comprehensive overall solutions and long-term professional services. The company has gathered over a thousand outstanding talents, including experts who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council, design masters from Jiangsu Province, outstanding entrepreneurs in the national survey and design industry, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the province, talents from the "333 Project" of the province, and high-level talents from the province's excellent engineering survey designers. At the same time, the company gathers a large number of talents with senior titles, senior professional titles, and national registered professional qualifications.

Corporate Vision

Mission: Inheriting History and Building the Future
Vision: Leader in Integrated Technology Services for Human Settlements Environment
Positioning: National first-class urban-rural construction technology group


Regional Layout

Tus-Design has branch companies (shareholding or wholly owed) in many areas of China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Nanjing, Chengdu, Hefei and Ningbo.We have established a nationwide design service network in East China, North China, South China, Southwest China, Central China.

Leading Person

  • Dai Yaping

    Master's degree from Southeast University National model worker Deputy to the 11th,12th,13th National People's Congress(NPC) Chairman and chief chief engineer of Tus-Design Group,professor of engineering,expert with State Department special allowance.
  • Zha Jinrong

    Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University Design master of Jiangsu Province Model worker of Jiangsu Province Housing and Urban-Rural Construction System President and chief chief architect of Tus-Design Group,professor of engineering,expert with State Department special allowance.


Qualifications(Class A)

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